Sunday, October 4, 2009

Pitiful Pool Party Pooper

I am right there with you A.B. My butt gets big too! It just means your hips spread and you have a very easy delivery.

Last summer I was pregnant with my 4th baby. We decided to take the kids to the base pool. I had a nice suit on, a maternity one. As I was walking to the pool with my then 21 month old daughter, two ladies were walking behind me. Tom was walking behind them and heard this conversation.
Younger gal: When I am pregnant, I won't let my butt look like that.
Other Gal: When you are pregnant, you have no choice over what your butt is going to look like.
The first lady was lucky that her friend piped in, My husband was so mad. He told me what was said and I just started bawling and did not go to the pool again that summer. It really hurt my feelings. Like I can help that when I have girls I carry low and my butt gets bigger.
People can be so very rude when they see someone who is pregnant. They should instead look at it as someone who is bringing a new person into the world, not everyone is able to do this. And they should go by what Thumper's mom on Bambi says: If you can't say something nice, don't say nothin' at all.


  1. gah! thats just awful! one has NO IDEA how much your body changes when youre growing another human being inside.
    im so sorry that someone commented on your butt A.B. im sure you're one smoking hot mama!
