Saturday, October 17, 2009

Kill them with kindness????

I start putting my groceries on the belt at the commisary and the cashier says "How much longer do you have now?" Keep in mind, I see her every week multiple times. And she asks me every time she sees me. Also she just graduated high school last year PREGNANT!! So back to the conversation.. I tell her I have 8 weeks left. Her reply "WoW!! That much longer?? You're huge! Are you sure there's not 2 in there?" My reply "YEP, I am sure there is only one." Then I got the eyebrow raise. I just stayed quiet the rest of the time and refused to look at her.
I wonder why I can't be mean. Why can't I just say something hurtful back? Or at least tell them that it's not nice to say things like that to pregnant women. Is it because I think I can kill them with kindness? I know I am not scared to say something. Maybe it's because it always catches me off guard and I am dumbfounded. I can't believe what comes out of people's mouths!! UUUGGGHHH, it's just so frustrating!!


  1. I think sometimes people who are basically nice just don't think to BE mean. That is to your benefit!
    I actually had 2 wonderful pregnancies and only got compliments but I had rude people with my son when he was 2 b/c he was soooo big. People thought he was much older (as in 1st grader) and expected him to act like one. I defended him on more than one occasion!

  2. BTW, I found you thru wild Jenn (Wilderness) and this was the only open blog. She is a doll so you must be one too!

  3. Thanks! I love Jennifer! I've been so busy with my little one, I have forgotten to get on here until now! I hope to update something here sometime soon!
