Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Clever Comebacks

Well,, I am also expecting, baby #5 this time. I am due early April. While this baby was not planned, he/she was not prevented either, so we're not really in shock. We've been reluctant to tell anyone, because we know what kind of comments we would get from having #5. To our amazement, most people have been encouraging. However, we have had our share of tactless comments. One was from my own brother...he said "Five f------- kids, Heather?" Another was from another mother of 4, who just looked at me, and said very pointedly that I was crazy! So, here is a list of answers to possible questions I put out to everyone:

2. We were not trying,, but not preventing. We gave this part of our lives to God, and He provided for us now.
3. Yes, we are still going to homeschool.
4. No, we are not upgrading anything...car, house, etc.
5. Yes, I am very very sick.
6. We are not sports fans, so we are not trying to start our own baseball/basketball' whatever sports team
7. Yes, we hope it's a girl, but will be as thrilled with a boy!
8. No, you may not touch my belly. You want to touch a belly, see Brian.
9. I don't know if this will be our last baby. God has different plans than we do.
10. The only thing we ask from everybody else is to pray for a happy.healthy, pregnancy and baby!

That pretty much quieted everyone before the rude comments started flowing in.

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